The Entitled Generation: Helping Teachers Teach and Reach the Minds and Hearts of Generation Z brings teachers into the twenty-first century world of 24-7 technologically-wired up and social media-driven students.
This book asks teachers to consider pragmatic and sensible ways to teach Gen Z and to understand the differences between today’s students and those of the past.
Teachers are offered keen insights by colleagues, in terms of how Gen Z thinks, the various ways that males and females learn, and the distractions and struggles each faces by device addiction affecting today’s classrooms.
American culture is perpetuating the notion that today’s students are entitled to economic and social outcomes on equal bases. Gen Z “feels” everyone should be treated as equals, receiving the same rewards for unequal efforts, thus promoting a feeling of entitlement.
Through professional development and current research, teachers will understand the reality of today's American classrooms.
Even with the assumed addiction to smart technology and social media, teachers can use this to their advantage and reach the minds and hearts of Gen Z to prepare them for their futures.
The Entitled Generation: Helping Teachers Teach and Reach the Minds and Hearts of Generation Z brings teachers into the twenty-first century world of 24-7 technologically-wired up and social media-driven students.
This book asks teachers to consider pragmatic and sensible ways to teach Gen Z and to understand the differences between today’s students and those of the past.
Teachers are offered keen insights by colleagues, in terms of how Gen Z thinks, the various ways that males and females learn, and the distractions and struggles each faces by device addiction affecting today’s classrooms.
American culture is perpetuating the notion that today’s students are entitled to economic and social outcomes on equal bases. Gen Z “feels” everyone should be treated as equals, receiving the same rewards for unequal efforts, thus promoting a feeling of entitlement.
Through professional development and current research, teachers will understand the reality of today's American classrooms.
Even with the assumed addiction to smart technology and social media, teachers can use this to their advantage and reach the minds and hearts of Gen Z to prepare them for their futures.
*Winner, Choice Outstanding Academic Title (2016)
The Wrong Direction for Today’s Schools: The Impact of Common Core on American Education is an in-depth analysis of the newest national American education fad, intended to replace the 2002 incarnation of the ESEA, No Child Left Behind.
Dr. Zarra delves into the “seeds” that produced the Common Core Standards, as well as the groups involved in the political and corporate pressure to completely revamp America’s K-16 education system.
The author lays out a strong case for political motives involving the advancement for nationalized education, such as those found in select European and Asian nations.
The author also follows the funding and provides solid documentation and analysis of international and national assessments, and how the funding and assessments proved pivotal in the overhaul of American education.
After an analysis of the underpinnings of the Common Core Standards, Zarra critiques the myths and facts of the Common Core, and balances these with the emerging realities impacting average Americans and their families.
Dr. Zarra’s book is a must-read and will prove to be extremely useful to all who are concerned about public, private, and homeschool education in America.
Why are so many public school teachers, administrators, and coaches choosing to become romantically and sexually involved with teenage students and players?
Since 2000, numbers of intimate relationships between teachers and students have skyrocketed. Teacher arrests are at all-time highs. Is there a correlation between these relationships and communication and social technologies? Professional development based on the research in the book, Teacher-Student Relationships: Crossing into the Emotional, Physical, and Sexual Realms explores:
This book is provocative and relevant for educators at all levels, public and private. As a professional development tool it is essential.
It is also a must-read for professors, teachers-in training, athletic and academic coaches, school administrators, and parents.
The 2015 passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) has again changed education for public schools and communities.
Common Core is now optional and the role of Secretary of Education has been limited by no longer incentivizing states, as done under Common Core. This book analyzes the new direction today’s schools must pursue for student learning and their success beyond high school.
States and local educational agencies are once again empowered and will have more authority over curriculum and assessment. Common Sense Education includes samples from these states, ideas from several universities which are retooling their teacher education programs and focusing on teacher excellence, as well as schools recalibrating their programs for student learning.
Common Sense Education: From Common Core to ESSA and Beyond advocates for the return of common sense in setting education policy, uses a national survey to provide parent and teacher perspectives, and suggests a new paradigm for exciting twenty-first century high schools.
As an advocate for parents and students, Dr. Zarra can help parents to understand the minds and hearts of Generation Z. Professional development based on this book takes parents into the daily lives of their 24-7, wired-up children.
Helping Parents Understand the Minds and Hearts of Generation Z is a highly practical book and provides parents insights into how Gen Z thinks, the ways their brains learn, and illustrates what children of this technological generation believe in, and explains why they act in the ways they do.
There are some red flags in American culture and smart technology and digital devices are right there at the center of them all. Students in Gen Z do not recall a time before the Internet and smart technology. As a result, serious issues are arising in American culture within Gen Z.
These considerations have implications for families and interpersonal relationships and will also impact future economics, as more and more students from Gen Z graduate college and enter the workforce.
Parents and teachers will find this book compelling and will be challenged to consider whether their withdrawn, ear-budded children are addicted to their devices and social media, and to where all of this might lead.
It Should Never Happen Here: A Guide for Minimizing the Risk of Child Abuse in Ministry provides churches, camps, and private schools assurance that sexual and other forms of child abuse can be minimized and even prevented.
Enforced child-contact rules and worker screening are among many specific ideas outlined in this important primer.
Reproducible forms are included in the book as starting points for screening child care workers.
Predators lurk in all corners of society, seeking soft targets and are willing to take advantage of the trust extended.
We must protect our children!
When the Secular Becomes Sacredis an analysis of American K-16 public learning institutions from a unique perspective.
Secular teachings, such as social-emotional learning, and sexual and identity philosophies, are behind movements to capture the minds and hearts of America’s students. Contemporary learning institutions resemble places of worship in several ways. This book will explain how this is the case. From educational philosophy to classroom practices, this book exposes tactical intersections between secular humanism and religion.
In today’s secular culture there is strong evidence to support the notion that worship of the self, the individual, has usurped the historically sacred place reserved for a transcendent deity. The fact is that this worship of the individual is certainly more fashionable and attractive than traditional orthodoxy or evangelical theology, in a today’s society. Bolstering this self-worship are mandated programs, such as those found in states’ controversial History-Social Science Frameworks, English-Language Arts Frameworks, and new sex education programs.
The intention of this book is to provide the reader a realistic look into the effects of religious humanism upon America’s schools and students. Readers will be challenged with the notion that separation of church and state is being ignored for the political advantage of some. Furthermore, the reader will be presented with the argument that self-worship has become more attractive than traditional Judeo-Christian religious teachings, leading to the individual becoming both the worshipper and the object of such self-worship.
Dr. Ernie Zarra has written When the Secular Becomes Sacred to help us to understand what more and more families are witnessing first-hand. American culture and public learning institutions are complicit in laying the foundation for radical changes, beginning with our nation’s students. These changes strike at the very core of the nuclear family. Zarra exposes the influences of secular culture, especially as these are found in contemporary political, gender, and sexual identity movements. In doing so, he challenges the reader to contemplate America’s culture as it emerges from the Ivory Towers and is shaped by the media and political forces.
Before reading When the Secular Becomes Sacred, I couldn’t put my finger on what I saw happening in our culture. Humanism as a philosophy is nothing new but assuming the place of a national religion is a dramatic shift. Dr. Ernie Zarra, with well researched details, explains how this has happened in our schools and within society as a whole. Every educator and concerned person needs to read this book with great attention.
As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” So says an ancient Jewish proverb. New ways of thinking are going viral, transforming the traditional ways we see reality. In When the Secular Becomes Sacred, Dr. Ernie Zarra makes both a thorough and convincing case for secular humanism as the parent of these new orthodoxies. He goes further, arguing that humanism is now our society’s leading religion, and that its impacts upon students should be of concern to all.
I have found Dr. Ernie Zarra's latest book, When the Secular Becomes Sacred, to be very thought-provoking! From start to finish, Dr. Zarra examines our increasingly divided nation and asks the questions that must be asked if we are to remain a civilized and respectful society. He explains we must not ignore the failures of past civilizations, whose collapses were brought about by cultural confusion, and selfish, myopic humanistic ideas--the likes of which we see in our own society today. Seriously, open-minded leaders ought to read this book and heed its findings. If not, then American society will fall victim from within, as many others have fallen throughout history.
From Character to Color is a welcomed addition to the research on Critical Race Theory. Dr. Zarra does an excellent job of explaining CRT, its origination, and its impact on our society. The material is presented in an easily digestible manner. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking to grow in their knowledge of CRT and how we can defeat it.
— Carol Swain, PhD, distinguished senior fellow for constitutional studies, Texas Public Policy Foundation, and co-author of the bestseller, Black Eye for America
Dr. Zarra offers a comprehensive account of Critical Race Theory, from its earliest origins in the disappointed Marxists of the so-called Frankfort School in the 1930s, to the pronouncements of today's most indignant race hustlers. For those who are going head to head with radicalized teachers in the nation's schools, From Character to Color offers a lucid explanation of what the CRT crowd is doing even as they deny that they are doing it—and even proclaim that there is no such thing as CRT. Zarra calmly shows that CRT is real and that it is entangled with all the other twisty doctrines of our times such as "intersectionality" and "systemic racism." From Character to Color is not, however, just a housecleaning. Zarra also brings to the table a deeply informed Biblical perspective on our racial discontents and offers a positive way forward.
— Peter W. Wood, PhD, President of the National Association of Scholars, author of Diversity: The Invention of a Concept or 1620: A Critical Response to the 1619 Project
The verdict is in: Critical Race Theory has infiltrated America’s institutions, and is doing very real harm to education and society. In From Character to Color: The Impact of Critical Race Theory on American Education, Dr. Ernest Zarra lays bare the polarizing and illogical nature of CRT, and exposes its critical flaws and toxic implications—from lower academic standards to the political indoctrination of our children. The book also offers practical ways to resist CRT, and encourages us to recommit to a paradigm that centers on character over skin color and core values over social identity. America’s educators must read this book!
— Christopher Paslay, MA, Philadelphia public schoolteacher, counselor, and author of A Parent’s Guide to Critical Race Theory, and Exploring White Fragility: Debating the Effects of Whiteness Studies on America's Schools
From Character to Color is an impressive literary project that critically examines the theoretical underpinnings of a race-obsessed ideology and seamlessly surveys its disgraceful ramifications for America and Americans of all descents. Writing with insight, persuasion and hope, Dr. Ernie Zarra connects various divisive crystallizations of critical race theory (CRT), as both a scholarly field of inquiry and a pedagogy for far-left political activism, with broader socioeconomic, cultural and political changes of our nation. In making the case for the timeless truth of “character over color,” Dr. Zarra craftily demonstrates that the best tribute to any immutable characteristic is the triumph of our individuality and humanity over that characteristic. This book is a must-read for students, practitioners, and general readers who wish to gain a better understanding of race and America.
— Wenyuan Wu, PhD, Executive Director at Californians for Equal Rights, Director of Administration of the Asian-American Coalition for Education, and author of Chinese Oil Investments in Peru and Ecuador: Social Responsibility, Host Government Regulations and Host Civil Society
Dr. Zarra takes us on a deep dive of the concepts, beliefs and background associated with CRT. With a commitment to serious research and background study, Dr. Zarra’s book introduces us to a logical and historical approach to analysis of a very political topic in education while accepting of a wide range of beliefs and views. Full of notations, facts, and background, this book should trigger intellectual discussion on a very timely topic among professionals. Any program/school district that debates the introduction of CRT into their curriculum/program of study should require this text as expected reading for its professional staff prior to any decision making and implementation. A lot to absorb, contemplate and debate. Timely, pertinent, and fact filled. Anyone who takes CRT seriously should read this book.
— Ernest E. Brattstrom, MA, served forty-seven years in the field of education; former New Jersey Teacher of the Year, teacher of the deaf, school administrator, superintendent of schools, university instructor, and established the highly successful Learning Tree Educational Consultants
Assaulted! takes the reader into a multi-layered set of problems that exists in public and private schools in America. Teachers are being physically assaulted by students and parents, producing lasting, or even career-ending injuries.
Violence in schools today has become bullying on steroids, and students are becoming viral sensations amongst their peers. This book details physical and sexual assaults, and verbal and emotional abuses that occur toward teachers, both in person and Online.
Assaulted! contains personal stories, teacher interviews, and national survey data, as it offers reasons why assaults are occurring more frequently today. But the book does not stop there. College professors and their relationships with students also come under scrutiny.
The author also challenges the practice of mainstreaming special needs and special education students, social justice and various identity movements, and the impacts these programs have upon classrooms and schools.
The reader will realize students have more rights and protections than teachers. However, teachers are standing for themselves. In some cases teachers physically defend themselves, risking their careers.
What are the causes of this increase of violence in schools, and what needs to be done? Assaulted! Violence in Schools and What Needs to Be Done provides serious answers to questions and proposes ways to help with the issues left unaddressed by many school districts in twenty-first century America.
The Teacher Exodus: Reversing the Trend and Keeping Teachers in the Classrooms is an authentic examination of many of the reasons public school teachers are leaving the profession. It also takes a hard look at why students are no longer selecting teaching as their career choice.
American culture is at a tipping point and many politicians and bureaucrats are tinkering with culture through racial policies and social engineering, in efforts to empower students, rather than stem the tide of teacher attrition.
Teachers are frustrated by requirements to implement social and intervention programs that fall outside their training, which limits the moral purpose they envisioned when they first entered the profession. Across the nation, teachers are feeling marginalized and impacted by policies handed down from above, which actually elevate students over teachers.
Teachers sense their profession has been reduced to classroom monitoring and facilitating, which they did not sign up for! They are restricted in their classroom management and must employ a series of intervention strategies just to defend their actions of discipline.
If America is to reverse the trend of teachers leaving classrooms, there must be genuinely supportive efforts to reinvigorate adults to pursue teaching and bureaucrats must release teachers to work their skills.
There must be a reversal of the mindset that teachers are leaving education because education has left them. One way to do this is for bureaucrats and education administrators to once again empower teachers to be the local arbiters of education for their classrooms.
"I was lucky enough to receive this book as a gift. I was truly engaged the entire book and couldn't put it down! I have shared so many of the great things I've learned with colleagues and parents! Awesome job! " The Wrong Direction for Today's Schools
"Dr. Zarra is the consummate professional. Terrific sense of humor and challenging academically. Makes difficult subjects understandable and practical. Hire him full time if you want to grow additional excellence at CSUB." University Student
"Bought three books, this one is the best on Common Core. Excellent writing and research. I recommend it to all parents and teachers too." The Wrong Direction for Today's Schools
"I love his style and he is extremely knowledgeable." University student
"Dr. Ernest J. Zarra's book is packed with insights and powerful discussion questions. In this current social media climate, this is a must-read for all educators." Teacher-Student Relationships
"Well written and researched. A great read ." The Wrong Direction for Today's Schools
"Dr. Zarra is a stellar professor and teacher. My own son had him in high school and now I have him in the school of ed. He is one of the best we both have ever had . . . Thanks for motivating me. Thanks also, Ernie for being real and going the extra mile for everyone. YOU are the best!!!!!!" University Student and Parent
"I bought this book as a gift and decided to buy two books from this author. I was involved with a teacher in a relationship several years ago. I am still scarred from being taken advantage of. Please read this book and take Dr. Zarra's advice." Teacher-Student Relationships
"Dr. Zarra says it comes down to power.
He explains, 'A teenager's brain is more
sensual and sensitive than an adult's.
They feel that crush much more keenly.' Worryingly, experts believe intimate
relationships between teachers and
students have skyrocketed. Dr. Zarra
says this is largely due to social media: 'Teachers can access pupils on
Facebook, and chatty out-of-school
contact can seriously blur the lines. It's
causing these relationships to soar!" Cosmopolitan Magazine
"I really enjoyed this book. I myself have had an experience with a relationship with a high school teacher of mine. I always questioned why he allowed it to happen—texting, spending time alone, and sharing secrets with each other are a few of the things that happened between us. This book really made me realize that letting that kind of thing happen in schools is not okay. Schools all around continuously try to cover up the scandals of their teachers in order to protect their own reputation, and that is wrong. Telling the students that they either misread the situation or that their fellow co-worker 'didn't mean it.' Administrators and educators should know where to draw the line in student-teacher relationships, and say something straight from the get go in order to prevent any inappropriate feelings from producing on either side. I would recommend this book for any teenager who has been in my position and anyone who plans to become, or is an educator." Teacher-Student Relationships
"I was given this book as a gift from a mentor teacher. I feel this book is a must read for any profession that deals with minors. As a math teacher who started at 23 years old, I can personally relate to how Dr. Zarra clearly defines what an appropriate relationship should be through my everyday encounters with my high school students. I am looking forward to Dr. Zarra's next book!" Teacher-Student Relationships
"As the Olympics' commentators say, 'Zarra nailed it!' The 'it' is the current reality of American schools and the changing relationships between teachers and students. Dr. Zarra lays out the new world of sexting, bullying, and sexual manipulation, and the eroding of authority and boundaries in our classrooms. This blockbuster book is a must-read for those entering the teaching profession and older educators wondering what is happening to the school environment." Teacher-Student Relationships
"Dr. Ernest J. Zarra is a breath of fresh air to public education. In The Age of Teacher Shortages, he explores the issues causing these shortages and their implications for teachers and administrators. On a larger scale, unlike other books that I have read, Zarra's book provides strategic solutions. I recommend this book, along with his others, to anyone who seeks to do more than throw their hands up into the air and run away from the profession." The Age of Teacher Shortages
"Dr Zarra presents an important and timely study of what could be the biggest crisis facing education since the advent of public schooling. In this book, he examines the reasons for the teacher shortage, analyzes the problems with alternative certification, and offers real solutions to these present concerns in The Age of Teacher Shortages." The Age of Teacher Shortages
"Dr. Ernest J. Zarra's The Age of Teacher Shortages is a powerful and cogent assessment of the challenges that are certain to confront America's next generation of classroom teachers." The Age of Teacher Shortages
"Zarra's pointed predictions are again on the money in his newest book, The Age of Teacher Shortages. Those of us working in education see the abuses, we feel the pressures, and we know the ride has turned from commonsense education to what feels like a losing battle on some days. Aberrant student behaviors and a variety of systematic abuses are pushing teachers to the breaking point. Teacher burnout is real and creeping up the backs of seasoned veterans. You know it's bad when veteran teachers start counting the days until retirement. Zarra spells out the problems as well as the answers. America should take heed." The Age of Teacher Shortages.
I just wanted to thank you for coming and speaking with my Economics class! I really liked the presentation. It left the students wondering about the topic and generated new thoughts for them. We found your style very engaging . :-) I told our principal about you and your topics and he was interested. I also showed him the book that you gave me (I can't wait to read it) and he wanted to borrow it. He said it was a wonderful book and would love to get one for each of the teachers here. Can he purchase some from you? I can't wait for your next visit! Deary High School; Economics Teacher; Deary, Idaho
We had a group discussion about your presentation today and the conclusion was overwhelming and unanimous: they want you back to finish the presentation! They really appreciated your presentation style ("best speaker yet") and wanted more content about how their generation is fitting in and shaping the workplace. They really identified with your discussion about personality types and how they interact with one another. We also agreed--if you are willing--to have you finish the talk with the smaller group of 16 that are in my Careers classroom right now. They feel it would be easier to interact with the smaller group in the u-shaped setting . . . let's make this happen. I am so glad we will get to work together again! Kamiah High School ; Careers Teacher and Counselor; Kamiah, Idaho
"Fascinating read. Left me wanting to read more! Luckily there was another one by the same author! It was just as interesting, well organized and well written as I'd hoped." Teacher-Student Relationships
"Dr. Zarra is very knowledgeable about schools and teaching. Finds time to help students. Wish he was full time at CSUB." University student
"Dr. Zarra's book is a must read for parents, teachers, teens, and anyone interested in an exploration of the shifting boundaries between high-school teachers, coaches, and mentors and their students. Dr. Zarra brings these age-old topics into the 21st century with a frank examination and discussion of the role new technologies play in the ease with which those boundaries are crossed. The combination of exhaustive research, lifelong erudition, interviews, and personal observations of years of teaching high school with a practical layout and remarkable readability make this book appropriate for everyone." Teacher-Student Relationships
"Dr. Zarra brings to light real world issues between teachers and student life . He makes light of real problems in our classrooms today but they are not new they are more open today is all. All teachers, teens and students in high school should read this book. He brings up the relevance of today's technology generation and the effects in their relationships. Very informational and all around great book!" Teacher-Student Relationships
"Dr. Zarra has done a masterful job of presenting the state of education today and proposing practical solutions to improve the quality of education. Dr. Zarra is not an ivory tower academic but has been in the "trenches" for over 40 years where he has seen the problems first hand. I am looking forward to future books by this insightful educator." Common Sense Education
"An incisive analysis of the fallacies of the Common Core with abundant evidence and convincing arguments. A must-read for all who care about our children's future." The Wrong Direction for Today's Schools
"I came across this book on the new books tab, here on Amazon. Ordered it right away. From what I read, I am quite happy I did. UPDATE: I am using this book as a text for my Philosophy of Education class this semester. From all accounts, the author is very experienced and knows his content. Additionally, I see that he has other books that appear useful and informative. Moreover, the book reviews indicate the author is aware of the currents that so often manifest themselves and, in my opinion, often to the detriment of America's students. That being said, I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It is an excellent read and engaging. We need all the common sense we can muster in education, across the national spectrum." Common Sense Education
“A quick and powerful look into the thorny road for many parents as they rear children in a technology-based world. Dr. Zarra exposes some ugly truths of . . . pacifying children with
technology, but more importantly, how we can break free from such.” Helping Parents Understand the Minds and Hearts of Generation Z
"Dr Zarra says, "To have a teenager's intense affection is enticing for some women. But more often than not, her feelings will fade quicker than his, as she'll want a mature, less impulsive relationship." Cosmopolitan Magazine
“Finally! A practical handbook with insights on the dynamics of child-rearing for parents! This book
is an excellent vehicle for guided discussions on cross or multi-generational child rearing where
groups of parents gather . . . and other organizational environments outside of home and school.” Helping Parents Understand the Minds and Hearts of Generation Z
“A clear, concise, and cogent handbook not only for parents, but for educators both secular and religious, as well as for counselors and school boards. It’s a thoroughly researched analysis of a
rising generation of globally connected, technologically savvy, strategically ambitious, passionately driven, and religiously confused individuals. Dr. Zarra’s passion for “practical teaching students in the classroom and practical parenting children in the home,” is practically refreshing.” Helping Parents Understand the Minds and Hearts of Generation Z
“Nailed it! This book is a sobering, but earnestly needed dissection of today’s techno-gratified generation. Zarra’s exhaustive research and vast experience, help to make sense out of sometimes backwards worlds faced by competing generations. His sometimes comical, but serious and meticulous comprehension of every generation since the Traditionalists, lends to an underlying message—generations don’t fail—they adapt. This book is definitely a win-win and helps parents to understand their own children better.” Helping Parents Understand the Minds and Hearts of Generation Z
“In this well-documented and sobering book, Ernest J. Zarra examines the staggering challenges of educating
America’s Generation Z: A generation of students increasingly addicted to technology, disoriented and distracted by social media, consumed and often manipulated in its craving for instant gratification, and taught to believe that its feelings are the prime determinant of truth. Zarra cites disturbing evidence that the developing brains of Gen Z are becoming ‘hard-wired’ in ways detrimental to traditional learning. He
unabashedly criticizes those—such as overbearing ‘bulldozer parents’—who are making matters worse. Zarra has written a necessary and provocative book that parents, teachers, and educational administrators should ponder.” The Entitled Generation
“Zarra writes with knowledge and wisdom on the salient matters of educational excellence. As a baby
boomer, I’ve learned things from this book that were not taught to me in college or by personal experience.
The Entitled Generation is a valuable read for anyone entering the teaching field, as well as the seasoned
professional. Zarra offers various strategies to more fully engage students in critical thinking and deeper
learning in the face of tech addiction. Zarra effectively deals with the political ramifications of teaching in a culture where ‘political correctness’ has joined forces with identity politics and the roaming ‘Word Police’ and ‘helicopter and bulldozer parents’ are prominent. Zarra rightly maintains we are shortchanging our Gen Z students by being too soft on them.” The Entitled Generation
“Zarra’s extensive research has produced both the diagnosis and treatment for the difficulties facing today’s public school communities. Contemporary students, whose minds are shaped through the stimulus and content of technology, have specific needs that are not met by many of the classic educational paradigms.
The Entitled Generation is not only an invaluable reference for individuals, but would additionally serve as an excellent in-service training curriculum for educators. This volume clearly identifies the specific challenges of Gen Z and gives solid counsel for preparing its members to enter higher education and the workplace.” The Entitled Generation
"Zarra's book is the map you've been waiting for--clear, accessible, useful, and well-aimed. You'll find the volume full of examples, principles, and sound advice--a captain's guide to charting the deep waters of moral reasoning, practical wisdom, tutored intuition, and interpersonal obligations--all in the context of modern and postmodern education, whether online or in person. One of the greatest strengths of Zarra's book is its ability to articulate sound educational and pedagogical reasons without descending habitually into the mind-numbing morass of education-speak and the affected jargon that too often beclouds rather than illumines the truths under review." Teacher-Student Relationships
"Common Sense Education . . . is not just a comprehensive overview of the failures of the Common Core approach to education. Ernest J. Zarra takes the reader on a captivating journey that begins with a basic, unbiased understanding of the Common Core that educators and parents can grasp and moves into and beyond the newest education law, the Every Student Succeeds Act. This book traces government education overreach to its perilous and tragic end and provides all audiences with sensible, clear, and logical outcomes. Common Sense Education exposes fallacies that aim at 'selling' federal education control to the voting public. Zarra offers a set of powerfully supported and sensible admonitions to bureaucrats and politicians--that is, they should stick with politics and leave education to the educators." Common Sense Education
"As the new education law, the Every Student Succeeds Act takes effect, Common Sense Education is a most timely publication. This book addresses the recent and current events and trends in national and state education policy. Zarra analyzes the disfavored and failed education programs No Child left Behind, Race to the Top, and the Common Core Standards--each of which reflected an overly burdensome and concentrated assessment package in its one-size-fits-all approach to education. Zarra goes beyond this, though. He suggests that focusing on a well-rounded education meets the educational needs of more students, all of which are very important for twenty-first century education and qualitative student success." Common Sense Education
"With countless attempts at establishing and reforming federal and state-wide educational policy in recent years, this book is needed to help to addresses the issues and struggles in American education reform. Dr. Zarra, who is an expert educational reformist and a dedicated educator with nearly four decades of classroom experience, is the ideal professional to open dialogue, address these issues and trends concisely, and propose solutions. He does a thorough job in this book. This publication is not just a synopsis of government programs but also a clear introduction to and and unbiased and rigorous analysis of these recent programs and trends. With the importance of students success in American society, and because everyone is a participant in ensuring this success, this book is a necessary read for teachers, administrators, educational scholars, parents, business leaders, bureaucrats, policymakers, and politicians." Common Sense Education
"As Dr. Ernest Zarra, author of the newly-released book Common Sense Education: From Common Core To ESSA and Beyond has observed,”…‘teaching the whole child,’ really means focus down on their emotions and their social-emotional skills with others. I have so many concerns and questions about SEL, not the least of which are (1) what traits are we talking about, and (2) how does a person teach the higher values and traits to emulate, if the standard for these higher values has been removed from schools?” The Educators' Room
"So what made a grown woman risk
everything for a schoolboy? Dr. Ernest
Zarra, author of Teacher-Student Relationships: Crossing into the Emotional, Physical, and Sexual Realms,
says, 'Impulse, desire, and the lure of the forbidden can be factors, but you'll
find that a lot of women who do this
will have had rocky upbringings themselves.'" Cosmopolitan Magazine
"High school teacher and education theorist Zarra investigates how young adult brains process emotions and how the use of technology impacts mental maturity. In rethinking how educators address the topic, Zarra provides guidelines for creating boundaries between students and teachers that simultaneously strengthen their relationships in appropriate ways. His discussion extends to topics of developing character in children and how the brain development of children influences their interaction with educators later in life. Readers of Thomas Lickona’s Character Matters and Educating for Character as well as Eric Jensen’s Teaching with the Brain in Mind and Brain-Based Learning will find Zarra’s intersections useful. VERDICT: The practical guidelines mostly boil down to common sense; however, the author illuminates the topic with neuroscientific research that stages a forum for a continued dialog." Library Journal
“Zarra has written a tremendous book that is a great resource for all educators. In The Entitled Generation, he describes the challenges that face both students and educators in today’s schools. The challenges are clearly stated, and the reader is shown how to deal with them. All educators will benefit from reading this book, and, in turn, so will the students.” The Entitled Generation
"Dr. Ernest J. Zarra III is passionate about exposing the fallacies of the Common Core to the public. The Common Core rhetoric is the latest of politically motivated bite-sized catch-phrases whose intent and outcomes actually undermine American creativity and respect for diversity of talent and choice. Do we really want all the chocolates in the candy box to be the same? Let's leave the educating to the professionals, not to politically appointed automatons. This is a must read." The Wrong Direction for Today's Schools
"The Wrong Direction for Today's Schools . . . will be extremely helpful to all those interested in improving public education in this country. The structure of the book leads the reader into a deeper understanding of the issues concerning Common Core 's standards. The chapters are heavily documented, and the readers are encouraged to delve into the material as well as pursue independent research. Zarra's book is also timely . . . the information in this book will especially help readers to understand why the tests based on Common Core's standards . . . will continue the damage begun by . . . No Child left Behind . . ." The Wrong Direction for Today's Schools
"Dr. Zarra . . . I'm glad I finally had a chance to sit with no interruptions. I think the book is an excellent explanation of what teachers are facing today. Your perspective provides informative examples backing up reasons why the act of teaching is very difficult. I can identify with many parts and think of others who experience the same. My research for my master's degree . . . I am focusing on many topics within your book. Teacher retention is a serious problem. I took notes throughout the book and I hope you don't mind me referencing several areas." Assaulted: Violence in Schools and What Needs to be Done
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
"I mentioned that I wanted to quit and looked for other employment, but I was born to teach. Period. Plan W: find out if I was alone in this phenomenon. Turns out, I'm (we're) not. I found a book that I ordered before it was even available. I was that desperate. Ernest J Zarra III has written The Entitled Generation Helping Teachers Teach and Reach the Minds and Hearts of Generation Z. On the first page of the preface, at the end of the second paragraph of the book, I realized that others have noticed this shift in our "customers" and surmised, '. . . Gen Z has rewritten many of the rules of teaching and learning, caused theorists to rethink their premises and conclusions, and has exploded the fields of neuroscience, psychology, technology, and a few more.' I'm not trying to sell more books for Dr. Zarra. My aim here is to discover what I can do to remain in the field of public education without losing my sanity and my faith in the curious, amazing-ness of our youth. I'll question some of Zarra's ideas right along with my exploration and agreement with his thinking. I don't know him personally, but he is an educator so I'm guessing he's used to it." My Meandering Mind, Education Blogger
"Zarra noted that educators who know 'where the lines are, are probably more likely to check themselves before stepping over' but little currently exists to stop wayward educators from crossing over. He says background checks are not enough these days and believes potential violators can be stopped through effective front end training and 'reflective professional development.'
'The problem today is that no school of education trains teachers to establish moral and ethical boundaries. Schools and districts do not train teachers how to establish and maintain these boundaries,” said the lifelong California educator . . .
'Teachers must become informed of the lines. Districts must lay down the policy clearly and train their teachers and coaches on what is appropriate and inappropriate between them,” he told Breitbart Texas, suggesting preventative measures like in-depth, new hiring screenings, and longer probationary periods for teachers before granting tenure to thwart classroom predators.'
Zarra recommends questions for administrators to ask faculty if behavioral red flags emerge. This includes when a teacher spends inordinate amounts of time with a student, schedules one-to-one student meeting time for 'apparently social reasons,' or overly communicates with a student via technology. Based on his expertise, Zarra developed a professional development training tool: 'Addressing Appropriate and Inappropriate Teacher-Student Relationships.' It was published in the 2016 Fall issue of education journal CLEARVoz." Breitbart Texas
In The Age of Teacher Shortages Zarra (Lewis-Clark State College) paints a bleak picture of Generation Z and the education system, detailing the cultural shifts in the US that have contributed to college students’ loss of interest in pursuing careers in education. He thoroughly examines the consequences of these changes and the dangers of granting teaching credentials with more leniency, allowing people to teach without the rigorous teacher training that traditional teacher education programs provide. Throughout the discussion, the author uses both statistics and vignettes to illustrate his claims. Zarra also provides strategic solutions, stressing the importance of mentoring and professional development for supporting new teachers in the field. He includes appendixes that are useful for both those seeking jobs as teachers and those looking for alternative pathways to certification. Overall, this is a thought-provoking read on the subject of public education, recommended for teachers, teacher leaders, and administrators.
Summing Up: Recommended. Graduate students, faculty, and professionals.
CHOICE Journal, 2020
This book provides a much-needed pro-teacher perspective on many of the problems currently leading teachers to leave the profession. The book concentrates mostly on the United States, but its precepts can be applied to teachers in almost any country. The author posits that teachers are not being supported by administrators or legislators and need more training and support to address the growing problems of hostile students and parents. By looking at problems from a teacher's point of view, Dr. Zarra offers a refreshing take on the issues facing teachers. As a teacher himself, he has likely seen or experienced many of these issues firsthand, and he reassures teachers that violent attacks and verbal outbursts against them are not normal and should not be tolerated. He asserts that administrators should be doing more to support and nurture teachers. Dr. Zarra pulls no punches when describing the state of today's schools and what must be done to reverse the tide of teachers who are leaving the profession. I think this book should be required reading for administrators and legislators, because giving teachers the resources and support they need ends up benefiting not only the teachers, but the students and community as well. Instead of being blamed for everything, teachers need to be assisted and encouraged for all of the efforts they put forth every day for our nation's children while often receiving criticism instead of respect from students, administrators, parents, and bureaucrats. Reading Dr. Zarra's book would be a good way for administrators and legislators to better understand the difficult tasks facing today's teachers and explore some common-sense ideas for improving our schools.
Kristin Eoff, Reviewer Goodreads
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